Overdue pregnancy, deliveried at 42 and 43 weeks, and birth review

women expecting her first child are more likely than mothers experienced births  to give birth over the due date. However, we have had three women in one month who gave birth at 42 and 43 weeks after exceeding their due date, and we would like to share their births and impressions.


2022.10.26 8:30PM 3910g

This was the third delivery for her. She wanted to wait as naturally as possible, so she waited until 42 weeks and 5 days into her pregnancy, but when she did not go into labor and deliver the baby, she was admitted to the hospital on the morning of 42 weeks and 5 days. In the morning, a balloon (a water balloon-like object to expand and stimulate the cervix) was placed in the uterus. An intravenous infusion of Pitocin, a medicine to induce labor pains, was given. Contractions started in the evening. She gave birth at 8:30 pm.

Birth impression

This was my second birth at Yui and I was so excited to have the opportunity to give birth here again. I had expected that me third baby would come around her due date like me other two children and as her due date approached. I began walking every evening to induce labor. But to my surprise Ilana was still very comfortable in my womb. Dr. Fumi began to discuss the option of induction at 41weels and 4days but I was not ready and continued to hope

my labor would start naturally. Despite all my walking and squatting I was still feeling no contractions. So, at 42weels and 5days we aimed at Yui to start the induction. We aimed a little after 8am and Dr. Fumi induction. The balloon by 9am then by 10am a very small dose of Pitocin was given to me by IV. The midwife added the next dose an hour later at 11am by 12 my contractions were coming continued to labor naturally. From around 6pm my labor really intensified and by 8:15 I was pushing my baby out This ended up being my shortest labor Just under 10hours. I am so thankful for making my first induction experience a very non invasive one. I am so thankful my daughter is solely here and soaking up these precious first few days with may baby in yui’s peaceful environment.



This was the fourth delivery for her. All three of her previous births were at 42 weeks, with induction, artificial membrane breakage, etc. This time she wanted to wait until 43 weeks. She wanted to wait naturally this time. If there were no abnormalities, she wanted to wait until 43 weeks. She understood if she was over the due date, there was a risk that the baby’s condition would deteriorate due to a decreased placental function. Since there were no contractions at 43 weeks, labor was induced with Proupes (a prostaglandin administered vaginally) on the morning of 43 weeks’ gestation. However, no effective contractions were observed. On the morning of the 1st day of 43 weeks gestation, a Neometro (balloon to stimulate and widen the cervix) was placed. The cervix opened to 7 cm, but labor was weak. Therefore, labor was induced with Pitocin in the afternoon. Finally, on the evening of 43 weeks and 1 day, before 5:00 p.m., she gave birth and delivered a healthy baby.

Birth impression

I had heard so many wonderful things about Yui, so when I became pregnant here in Okinawa, I knew this is where I wanted to give birth. I’d delivered my other three babies in the US, all unmedicated births, and all three had been inductions at 42 weeks or more. I was really hoping to avoid induction this time, and I really appreciated that Dr. Fumi never pushed me to be induced, and allowed me to be very involved in all the decisions regarding this birth.

Though I tried every method I possibly could to help my body go into labor naturally, I found myself still pregnant at 43 weeks. We had planned to induce if I made it to 43 weeks, so I arrived with my things that morning and after a lovely(lonely) breakfast of smoothie and salad, we started the induction. We tried using Propess, and while I had some contractions toward the end of the day, active labor still hadn’t started. They let me go home for the night to sleep, which was super helpful and nice of them, and I was back in at 7am the next morning, at 43 weeks + 1 day, to continue the induction process.

We decided on the balloon next, and I definitely felt some good contractions start. Mariko was the midwife in charge, and she was right there with me, encouraging me to do various things to help the process along – walking, squatting, sitting on the balance ball, breathing, and even encouraging me to eat well so I had energy. Shortly after lunch, they took the balloon out and I was dilated to between 7-8 cm, but baby’s head wasn’t low enough to break my waters. I had a hot bath with Epsom salts, lavender, and clary sage, which felt amazing and helped me relax, but unfortunately the contractions started dying down.

At around 3:30 pm, my husband had been waiting in my recovery room with our three toddlers for a while, and my mom was able to support me through my labor. But we were all tired and we needed baby out, so we did Pitocin. Contractions immediately started back up and were regular and strong, and before long it was nearing transition time. Dr. Fumi broke my waster as my husband and kids squeezed into the end of the room, and Dr. Fumi and several midwives and nurses surrounded me, helping me breathe baby down and finally deliver her.

The end was intense, but it was such a joy to finally hold my baby girl and be surrounded by loving family and the amazing Yui team. My kids all wanted to touch her and give her kisses, and after they’d had plenty of time saying hello, my husband took them home and then came back for skin-to-skin in the recovery room.

Overall, the induction process was very gentle and not rushed, and the support I’ve received through the entire process of appointments, labor, delivery, and several days of recovery here, has been incredible.

I’d give birth here again in a heartbeat! I highly recommend Yui and their wonderful team!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♡


2022.10.1   6:16PM 3742g

The process of this woman’s delivery was very long. After starting induction of labor, it took 4 days to finally deliver the baby.

Day 1, 42 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy, she was admitted to the hospital. A balloon (like a water balloon = Neometro) was placed in the uterus. There were no contractions and the baby was not delivered.
Day 2, in the morning, She had induced labor with an oral medication called prostaglandin E2. But there were no contractions, so then induced labor with Pitocin, but there were no effective contractions.
Day 3, Used Prolapse (a prostaglandin medication placed in the vagina). No effective contractions.
Day 4, 42 weeks and 4 days  She had induction of labor with Pitocin while widening the cervix by placing a balloon (Neometro, a water balloon-like device to widen and stimulate the cervix). The baby was born at 6:16 PM. 3742 grams.
Her elder daughters were also present at the birth and were able to observe the placenta!

Birth impression

Birthday (October 1,2022 *6’16pm)

After reaching 42 weeks I was beginning to feel frustrated and tired, especially since I wasn’t able to have the homebirth I had prepared for. We started making plans for an induction with Dr. Fumi. In my mind I was thinking it would be relatively quick since this was my fourth baby and already more than 2 weeks past my due date. Noa had other plans and it took four days of induction for her to arrive safely into my arms. The entire team of midwives and Dr. Fumi works tirelessly and lovingly to make sure I felt supported, had a voice, and was as comfortable as possible. We welcomed our little girl at 6:16pm and my older girls had arrived just in time to be there for the experience. They cut the cord, got to inspect the placenta, and ever hold their new sister in those first few hours. I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything… thank you Yui Clinic!

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postterm pregnancy, birth at 43 weeks gestation